Tuesday, August 24, 2004

I Need My Blankie

I am reminded of when I was back in high school and read The Exorcist...scratch that, I read less than half of it and got so utterly freaked out that I had to stop reading immediately...ANYWAY...For the next six terrified months the only way I could get to sleep was by convincing myself that I would be safe from demonic possession (and the like) if I just stayed under my comforter. As long as I was totally covered by the blankie, I was safe. This is the only way I could sleep. I realize that's a little strange for a then-15 year old, but HEY, you do what you have to when battling the FORCES OF SATAN.

And so last night, after some deeply disappointing news, I crawled into bed at 6:53 p.m. and pulled the covers up over my head and stayed there until the alarm went off 12 hours later. Sometimes you just have to stay under the safety of the blankie until the bad news passes over you.

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