Saturday, December 20, 2003

FAQ for Saturday night:

Q: Your blog says it features the adventures of Thomas the Wonder Cat. Currently, your Thomas-related adventure count is zilch. What's the deal?
A: Okay, I admit I've not mentioned Sir Thomas Khmer of Orange very often. Fact is, he hasn't been doing much lately except sleeping, barfing and running around frantically after he pees. He seems to have forgiven me for leaving him over the Thanksgiving holiday, and seems (thankfully) oblivious to my upcoming travel. He enjoys watching Queer Eye for the Straight Guy every Tuesday. His favorite Fab Fiver is Kyan because he understands the importance of cleanliness and grooming.

Q: What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
A: Literary magazine editor. Or cheesemaker. Or editor of a literary magazine about cheese.

Q: What is your favorite animal?
A: With apologies to Thomas the Wonder Cat, I'd say the Japanese snow monkey. Or pandas. Both are cute to the point of being slightly ridiculous.

Q: Who would win in a fight, Elmo or Grover?
A: My money's on Grover. You can also take a quiz here of which muppet's dark secret you are hiding.

Q: What sound or noise do you love?
A: That little fanning sound that comes out of an ATM machine right before it spits out your money, as if there's a little tiny person in there counting out your twenties before it spits them out at you.

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