Thursday, April 08, 2004

Ah, the nostalgia bus! I was cleaning out some of the files in my computer and came across some old letters I had written to folks. In one I was super giddy because it was the first time I was writing anything on my laptop. ("Look at me! Using a laptop! Look at all the fonts it has!")

Some were really angry peeved off letters, mostly to old boyfriends. Those were amusing in their own way, but only because I've got the distance and closure to laugh about them now. I felt really bad because in one I spent a good half a page telling one person how amazing he was and how much I loved all of the great things we were doing together and...looking back now...I honestly can't remember ANY of the things I was talking about. Oopsie. It was like reading your high school yearbook with all of these inside jokes that were like a secret language to you then, but incomprehensible jibberish to you now.

Sorry man. I'm sure we had fun, didn't we? At the time?

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