Sunday, April 04, 2004

Sigh. Just had the most UNREAL phone conversation. I was relaying to my father my weekend, where I mentioned my giddy trip to the beach yesterday.

Him: "That sounds fun, who did you go with?"
Me: "Nobody. Just me."
Him: "Really? Just you? That's so great you can do that. You do a lot of stuff by yourself."
Me: "Yep."
Him: "It's so great you can do that. I mean, I can't do that. Like when (my wife) isn't in town, I could rent a movie, but I couldn't, say, GO to a movie. It would be too weird to sit there by myself."
Me. "Hmmm."
Him: "But then again, you've been single for 30 years. I mean, you're probably used to it."

Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you the amazing SINGLE WOMAN! For a limited time! She not only sleeps by herself, but manages to grocery shop, put gas in her car, go to work and even SIT ENTIRELY UNATTENDED IN COFFEE SHOPS! Do not be fooled by imitations! This is the genuine article!

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