Friday, April 09, 2004

I think a nice warm round of applause is due for the Mental Health Day! Is there anything better than taking a day off from work just to lounge around the house and chill? I think not.

Absolutely gorgeous day today -- a clear, blue, sky from beginning to end. I scampered out of bed bright and early (8:15! For those that know me, you know that's practically the crack of dawn in my world!), headed out for coffee (yes, OUT for coffee -- impressive, eh?) and then got sidetracked by a major allergy attack in the car that left me with weepy red eyes and violently angry contacts. I passed on the coffee idea and just went to get some gas and a car wash. So it wasn't super busy or glamorous, but hey, I wasn't at work like the rest of the world, right?

I am ashamed to admit I watched "The Swan" last night on Fox. It was a combination pitiful/horrifying/embarrassing viewing experience, which of course means I'll be hooked for the entire season. Let's hear it for plastic surgery, extreme liposuction, and 3 months of physical and emotional isolation in order to beauty pageant! Who says we women haven't come a long way?

An appreciative shout out before I forget to the Easter Bunny that sent a delightful little basket my way. You're awesome.

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